Hello! I am Quanting Xie . Currently, I am at CLAW Lab at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Yonatan Bisk and Prof. Matthew Johnson-Roberson. My reserach focus is on developing challenging tasks and realistic robotic hardware that necessitate advancements in Embodied Intelligence. I am also interested in grounding Foundation Models through continuous interaction with the environment.

I am actively seeking various research opportunities and collaborations.


Foundation Models for Robotics: Current Status and a Peek at the Future

Yafei Hu* ,  Quanting Xie* ,  Vidhi Jain* ,  Jay Patrikar ,  Nikhil Keetha ,  Jonathan Francis ,  Yaqi Xie ,  Seungchan Kim ,  Tianyi Zhang ,  Shibo Zhao ,  Yu-Quan Chong ,  Zslot Kira ,  Dhruv Batra ,  Xiaolong Wang ,  Chen Wang ,  Matthew Johnson-Roberson ,  Katia Sycara ,  Sebastian Scherer ,  Fei Xia ,  Yonatan Bisk

In Submission.

paper code


M.S. in Mechanical Engineering - Research(MSME-R), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute(RPI)
4 year Dean's honor list, Mane Innovation Award.

Work Experience

Manufacturing Engineer, Apple
Designed an Automation Layout Optimization software (ALO) for glue curing stations, which resulted in a 36% reduction in total curing equipment. The techniques used included linear programming for task scheduling and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for determining the best machine layout.